I have a lot of questions. For example, what role do Chapters play in our value proposition? What about Sections? How can we best communicate our value proposition to the CPAs in Georgia who are not members of the Society? What changes should we make in our CPE delivery system? Is our dues structure appropriate? How should chapter operations be funded? Are we effective in our advocacy for the profession? How do we identify and develop our future leaders? Do we use our volunteers effectively? Are members interested in what the Society does?
In a couple of weeks the GSCPA Board of Directors will hold a 2 day strategic planning retreat at the Society offices. The plan we develop will be the blueprint for the Society’s operations for the next two or three years. The board members devote significant time and effort to this and we try very hard to devise a plan that truly addresses the interests and concerns of the members.
As a group the board has a wealth of experience in the profession and the Society and I like to think that we have a fairly good understanding of what the members want from our Society. But do we? We need to know what you think is important as we chart the Society’s path for the next two or three years. What would you want to include in the plan if you were participating in our strategic planning session? I welcome your comments on this blog.
Hope Thanksgiving Holidays was good for you and your family. The way time
seems to move Christmas will follow Thanksgiving in about one week.
December is f...
15 years ago